Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Free Write #3

Explain in detail your favorite Halloween or trick or treating experience. Explain who you went with, your costume, and any other details that made it your favorite/best halloween.

My favorite Trick-or-treating experience would have to be the one I had last year. Last year's trick-or-treating experience was my favorite mainly because I got to be with my best friends in the whole world. We walked from door to door for at least one and a half hours and got so much candy we could barely wrap our minds around the idea. We all were dressed in the most frightening manner. We roamed the streets as vampires, mummies, and skeletons. Our strategy was to visit all of the houses that no one visited in order to get all of the candy that the adults did not want. Because the adults wanted nothing to do with the sugary treats, they would hand them out to us. Our theory did not work as well as we thought it would but we ended up having a heaping load of candy by the end of the night. We trick-or-traeted down Call road, Middle Ridge Road, Laurel Drive, and a little bit of white angel. The streets which we roamed were not as full as we expected they would be but we didn't care, that just ment more candy for us! When we were finished trick-or-treating we scrambled into the house, dumped our candy on the floor, and started eating and trading. By the end of the night we were tired and full. We slept very well and dreamt of the fun night that we had just experienced. That is why last year's Halloween was by far my favorite.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

My Favorite Fall Activity

My favorite fall activity would definitely have to be me and my family's annual visit to the patterson fruit farm. Every year we visit and eat a lot of the delicious apples that they just give away to you. When we arrive we buy our wristbands and make sure we all have them on correctly. Once our wristbands are on we wait for the giant tractor to come around and pick us up and take us to the festival. We sit in the hay in the back of the tractor and talk about what we are going to do first and how much fun we are going to have. My favorite thing to do that I do first with my brothers is grab an apple and hook it to the chain. Without using my hands I try to take a big enough bite to pull it down before my brothers do. Most of the time I beat them but it is really fun to watch them try and get the apple in their mouth before I do. One of the activities that we love to participate in is the giant corn maze. I always try to get very far ahead of my brothers so that they cant find me. Eventually they realize that there is no way to find me and just have me follow thier voice so that we can be reunited. Out of all of the things that there is to do my little brother's favorite would have to be the enormous hay playground. there are slides, tubes, and a whole lot of hay!!! He has the greatest time and I love to watch him have such fun. Another thing that we love to do is slide down the enormous slide that takes forever to climb back to where it started. After we have all done the things that we want to do my mom takes us to the little gift shop that has all of the stuff that she loves. She gets multiple huge pitchers of apple cider, 2 large boxes of frsh apples, rock candy(one for each of us),and a special package of teabags that you heat up with apple cider to make a warm apple cider tea. I am not a big fan of the apple cider tea but I have to admit, the cider itself is really good. On our way home we fall asleep in the car and dream about the appley aroma that was previously filling our noses. We cant wait to come back next year. That is why the patterson fruit farm is my favorite fall activity.